The cold spell has given people a chance of seeing Woodcock at close quarters in the Llandudno area. Here is a video of one I saw at Glanwydden last week.
Birds and Wildlife blog of the Great Orme Country Park and Little Orme LNR, Conwy
Monday, 27 December 2010
Winter Birds

The last couple of months have seen some interesting weather and some interesting birds to go with them. Here is a round up of what has been seen in the Ormes area throughout December
Up to Twite at Penrhyn Bay and Bodafon fields.
Jack Snipe at Penrhyn Bay, Glanwydden Lane and Little Orme
2 Woodlark at Glanwydden Lane Dec 19th and 20th
Up to 25 Brambling and 2 Tree Sparrow Glanwydden lane before the freeze
Up to 25 Brambling and 2 Tree Sparrow Glanwydden lane before the freeze
Waxwings seen in ones and twos at Llandudno
Snow Bunting in the West Shore
Sunday, 21 November 2010

A chiff chaff was on the Little Orme too as were good numbers of Redwings and a single Fieldfare.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Black Redstart near Cairn
A female Black Redstart, possibly the same bird as reported last week was by the small cairn on the limestone pavements today. Park at the noth end and walk up the holl to the pile of stones near the corner of the wall.
Sunday, 7 November 2010

An excellent clear November's morning came up trumps with 6 Snow Buntings, including up to 5 still showing very well late morning. 7 Lapland Buntings flew over and were at one point joined by 5 Snow Buntings. Two were in the ploughed fields so there were possibly 9 today. A Woodcock showed well along the wall and nearly colided with me as it whizzed past. Other birds on the move were 4 Crossbills over, 3 Golden Plover, 2 Bullfinch, 50+ siskin, 10+ Redpoll sp., 15+ Brambling, plenty of Redwings, Blackbirds, Song thrushes and Mistle Thrushes, 29 Skylarks, 2 Reed Buntings, Goldcrest, many Woodpigeon, Rooks and 2 Lapwings.Also notable was a Grey Plover along west shore. Very few birders about today so all these birds were watched in peace and tranquility. Many birds were resting before they continued on their travells, such as this Woodpigeon in the gorse at the northern end.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Catching up with sightings

Unfortunately due to computer malfunction, the blog has not been updated for a while. Here are the notable records for the last few weeks:-

Pictures of Ring Ouzel on limestones, 3 Waxwings (photographed by Bob) on wires behind the cemetery and of the perfect rainbow seen today, a symbol of hope that a goodie is yet to grace the headland?
Today , November 6th - 3 Waxwings by the churchyard, Lapland Bunting in the ploughed field, male Ring Ouzel on the northern cliffs, 4 Crossbill over, 10+ Brambling, 50+ Siskin, 20+ Blackbirds, 4 Fieldfare, Redwing and 4 Mistle Thrushes.
Friday, November 5th - one Lapland Bunting near cemetery and 12 Crossbill over
November 1st - Lapland Bunting
October 31st - Ring Ouzel in sheep fields, male Snow Bunting on the limestones, 3 Lapland Buntings in the ploughed filed and 3 Crossbill over
October 30th - Ring Ouzel in Hawthorns, 30+ Brambling over and Lapland Bunting.
October 28th - 3 Waxwings over and 60+ Bramblings
October 27th - 13 Waxwings - 11 over and 2 Churchyard
October 26th - 12 Waxwings in Hawthrons behind cemetery

Pictures of Ring Ouzel on limestones, 3 Waxwings (photographed by Bob) on wires behind the cemetery and of the perfect rainbow seen today, a symbol of hope that a goodie is yet to grace the headland?
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Richard's Pipit, Waxwings and Hawfinch rescue the autumn!
At last some birds can be reported from the headland. A Ring Ouzel feeding in the ploughed field heralded the start of a good couple of days. Sunday produced star bird of the autumn so far; a fine Richard's Pipit flew in from the north, calling before circling the pavements and flying towards the summit. Later in the day, two Waxwing (Pete Alderson) were present briefly in the churchyard. Monday morning saw many birders present and a good haul if birds. The early risers were rewarded with 4 Hawfinches flying over (Alan Davies); only the third known record for the headland. The 2 Waxwing showed well in bright sunshine on wires above the churchyard early morning, while those searching later o'n scored with a very late Yellow Wagtail here. The limestones produced Snow Bunting and Lapland Bunting while many hundreds of finches, including Brambling passed overhead.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Nightjar Nightmare
Alan Davies thought he'd struck gold as he saw a Nightjar type bird flying away from him this morning. However, the bird just continued to fly away from him and wasn't seen again. Qhat chances it being a Nighthawk? We will never know!
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Bunting feast!

Monday, 11 October 2010
Heron puzzler!

6 Lapland Buntings were still present along with the male Snow Bunting on the limestone pavements some 100 yards along the western cliffs from the car park. Picture by Julian Wheldrake.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Birds on the move - at last!

A good showing by the local birders had seven pairs of eyes increacing the count and a combined total of birds included:-
10+ Lapland Buntings (John Roberts 10 and Tom Gravett 1), a cracking male Snow Bunting which was still present mid-afternoon, a male Ring Ouzel along Llys Helyg Drive, a ringtail Hen Harrier (Tom Gravett and Adrian Foster), 17+ Crossbill, 20+ Skylark (inc. 10 in the ploughed field), 750+ Chaffinch, 6 Brambling, 40+ Siskin, 100+ Greenfinch, Reed Bunting, 10+ Pied Wagtails, 20+ Redwings, 10+ Mistle Thrushes, 20+ Coal Tits, Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 6 Chiffchaffs, Golden Plover, 3 Snipe and the now near resident Stock Dove in the ploughed field. Not a bad day all in all!
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Full of eastern promise but nothing delivered.
A frustrating week with good conditions including an earterly airflow during the latter part of the week. Thursday saw two Crossbills and six Brambling over, while two Lapland Buntings were present on Tuesday. Snipe and Stock Dove have been seen most days while a Barn Owl on Tuesday evening giving stunning views was probably the highlight. Things can only get better.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Crosbills highlight of week
Highlight of a quiet week were 17 Crossbills that passed over head on Thursday. One was present on Friday and another seven seen on saturday morning. Treecreepers have been present this week with up to three birds frequenting the headland, one in the cemetery, one in the hawthorns and the bird videod below in the gorse at the northern end. The very bright white supercilium makes me wonder whether the bird is of the 'familiaris' northern race. A Nuthatch is also frequenting the cemetery area, while other birds here this weekend have included up to 8 Goldcrest, Lesser Redpoll, 2 Siskin, House Sparrow, 100+ Greenfinch and 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers. An excellnt movement of Tits has taken place with 100+ Blue Tits moving through on saturday, including a flock of 56! 18 Long tailed Tit, 4 Coal Tit and 10+ great tits were also part of the movement. The ploughed field has attracted a few birds with a cracking female Yellowhammer present today, a female / 1st winter Reed Bunting yesterday, 2 Skylarks, 5 Wheatear, 100+ Linnets, 50+ Greenfinch, 10+ Pied / White Wagtail, many Meadow Pipits and a super Stock Dove (videod bleow)
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Pure frustration!

Saturday, 25 September 2010
4 Lapland Bunts today
Friday, 24 September 2010
Laplands still present

Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Buntings pose for cameras

Monday, 20 September 2010
Sunday, 19 September 2010
More Lapland Buntings
There were fout Lapland Buntings on the Great Orme limestone pavements this morning near the fenced off area at the northern end.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Lapland Buntings and Snow Bunting
The Great Orme held two Lapland Buntings this morning, including a bird which showed on and off for most of the day. Visible migration was evident with the first flocks of Chaffinches and Greenfinches making their west. Threev Redpoll and 2 Siskin also flew overhead while a scattering of Goldcrests, Chiff-chaff, Blackcap, Willow warblers and Wheatear could be seen.
Henry Cook was up the Little Orme where he logged another two Lapland Buntings, while the first Snow Bunting of the autumn flew west. A suingle Leach's Petrel was offshore which was caught and devoured by a Great Skua! An adult Mediterranean Gull was offshore, while 10 Bottle nosed Dolphons passed west at the Great Orme early morning with several jumping right out of the water.
Henry Cook was up the Little Orme where he logged another two Lapland Buntings, while the first Snow Bunting of the autumn flew west. A suingle Leach's Petrel was offshore which was caught and devoured by a Great Skua! An adult Mediterranean Gull was offshore, while 10 Bottle nosed Dolphons passed west at the Great Orme early morning with several jumping right out of the water.
Last day of seawatching.

Thursday, 16 September 2010
Even more seawatching! best day yet.
An incredible 240+ Leach's Petrels were counted throughout the day off Rhos Point between 06.45 and 19.30 (therefore must have passed nearby Little Orme). Five juvenile Sabine's Gulls were seen including one seen by Chris Jones and Jon Clarke that landed on nearby Penrhyn Bay beach beklow the Little Orme! Two juvenile Long tailed Skuas, 2 Pomerine Skuas, 6 Arctic Skua, 3 Bonxie, Balearic Shearwater, Storm Petrel, 50+ Red throated Divers, 5 Black Terns, Golden and Grey Plover, 4 Pintail, 300+ Common Scoter, 70+ Manx Shearwater and many kittiwakes, Auks, Terns and Gannets.
A Little Shearwater was reported to the information services flying past at 18.33! The person who claimed it did not tell the other 10+ people present and even phoned it in while standing next to them. Bit strange that...?Must go down as one of the best all day counts at the Point. Any one up the Little Orme?
A Little Shearwater was reported to the information services flying past at 18.33! The person who claimed it did not tell the other 10+ people present and even phoned it in while standing next to them. Bit strange that...?Must go down as one of the best all day counts at the Point. Any one up the Little Orme?
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
More seawatching
A slow start to the day with just one Arctic Skua and a Red throated Diver between 6.45 and 8.15am. However things got slightly better as the day wore on. 4 Leach's Petrels flew past the east side of the Little Orme along with 2 Bonxie and an Arctic Skua as well as 20+ Manx Shearwaters and a steady passage of Kittiwakes, Auks and Gannets.
Nearby, Rhos Point produced a Sooty Shearwater (Adrian Foster), 14 Leach's Petrel, 2 Bonxies and 2 Arctic Skuas (Alan Davies and Rob Sandham).
Nearby, Rhos Point produced a Sooty Shearwater (Adrian Foster), 14 Leach's Petrel, 2 Bonxies and 2 Arctic Skuas (Alan Davies and Rob Sandham).
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Between 4.40 amd 5.20pm the following birds flew west off the Little Orme- juv Long tailed Skua (lingered in the Kittiwake flock for a while), 2 Bonxie, 2 Leach's Petrels, 50+ Manx Shearwaters, 15 Common Scoter and a few kittiwake, Gannets and Fulmars. Unfortunately I had to leave at this point. The Manxies were quite close with some settling on the sea.
Later on Chris Jones had another 2 Leach's Petrels.
Later on Chris Jones had another 2 Leach's Petrels.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Grim few days rescued by Lapland Bunting!
The last few mornings have been rather grim up the Orme, with lots of rain, low cloud and a brisk south westerly. Highlight on Thursday and friday were a single Lapland Bunting near the sheep dung on both mornings, both times giving away its presence by calling overhead.
This morning there was a small fall of phylloscs around the cemetery along with 3 Blackcap, while the limestones held 2 Wheatear, 2 Goldcrest and one each of Willow Warbler and Chiff-chaff.
Good news is that the Swallows nesting near the church have started to leave the nest with above vieo footage being taken yesterday and this mornong only one was left..
This morning there was a small fall of phylloscs around the cemetery along with 3 Blackcap, while the limestones held 2 Wheatear, 2 Goldcrest and one each of Willow Warbler and Chiff-chaff.
Good news is that the Swallows nesting near the church have started to leave the nest with above vieo footage being taken yesterday and this mornong only one was left..
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Osprey tops off fine morning
*Evening update - Wheatear numbers rose from 7-8 pre 8am to an impressive 35+ birds later in the morning. This evening 2 Swifts were near the Little Orme.
There were a lot of birds up the Great Orme this morning with many birds arriving an hour after first light. Willow Warblers were bird of the day with 30+ birds on the limestones alone. A single female type Common Redstart was in the gorse at the north end, while Blackcap, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Whitethroat were in the Hawthorns along the wall.
The cemetery was also full of Willow Warblers, with just one Garden warbler the only 'different' bird (per A.Davies and P.Alderson).
Later on, a fine Osprey flew over Llanudno Town Centre and Craig y Don causing every gull in town to rise to the air and make a racket.

The cemetery was also full of Willow Warblers, with just one Garden warbler the only 'different' bird (per A.Davies and P.Alderson).
Later on, a fine Osprey flew over Llanudno Town Centre and Craig y Don causing every gull in town to rise to the air and make a racket.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Lesser Whitethroat
This morning's birds included the following - Lesser Whitethroat in hawthorns on limestones and showing very well, 2 Whinchat - one at north end and one above cemetery, 2 Golden Plover dopped in by the picnic tables at the north end (per PAlderson), a sprinking of fresh looking Willow Warblers and a few Chiff-chaffs, while 8+ Wheatears were vocal on the limestones.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Weather looks perfect

Saturday, 4 September 2010
A few days of migrant trickle
A few migrants have been trickling through over the past few days. Highlight this morning was a Nuthatch found by Julian and Henerz in the cemetery. These birds are a scarce visitor to the summit area with only a few records each year. However, if you want it for your Orme list there is a pair that frequents Happy Valley and Invalids Walk.
Other migrants today included 2 Spotted Flycatcher in the churchyard, a Whinchat on the limestones as well as a Golden Plover, Merlin, 6 Wheatear and 3 Commin Snipe. Up to six Snipe have been present over the past few days. Three Tree Pipits flew over on Thursday morning while yesterday's highlight were 3 Great spotted Woodpeckers.
Other migrants today included 2 Spotted Flycatcher in the churchyard, a Whinchat on the limestones as well as a Golden Plover, Merlin, 6 Wheatear and 3 Commin Snipe. Up to six Snipe have been present over the past few days. Three Tree Pipits flew over on Thursday morning while yesterday's highlight were 3 Great spotted Woodpeckers.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
September driving me Batty!

This evening an amazing 'flock' of 15+ Noctule Bats were near Craigside, commuting between Bodafon fields and the Little Orme. These truly impressive 'giant' bats seemed to be feeding on flying ants which had attracted hundreds of gulls to these fields earlier in the day. The spectacle started at around 8pm and the bats were still present, sometimes just yards overhead, at 8.30pm when they had been joined by a few Pipistrelle Bats. Worth a look at the same time tomorrow, especially as the Space Station pases over head at this time and can clearly be seen from this spot.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
August 31st update - Hen Harriers
Alan's just had 2 'ring-tail' Hen Harriers on the limestones! still present around 1pm. Golden Plover there too. These strange 'August' birds keep arriving.
Also a report of a smallish game bird this morning. Be good to re-locate it!
Also a report of a smallish game bird this morning. Be good to re-locate it!
More Lapland Buntings

At least four Lapland Buntings on the Orme this morning, possibly up to six. Three lots of two were seen, four in off the sea at the limestone pavements (Mike Duckham) and 2 over the cemetery. This unusual August influx is most interesting, with birds being recorded all over the country and other local birds at the Range, Anglesey and on Bardsey recently.
Other migrants today included 2 Spotted Flycatchers in the ecemetery, 6 Goldcrest, 10+ Wheatear, 8 Chiff Chaff, 3 Willow Wabler, 3 Blackcap and a Whitethroat.
Great Spotted Woodpeckers are on the move with at least 2 birds seen on the limestones and another two by the cemetery. One poor juvinile bird was attacked by a Peregrine on the limestones andthen by a Kestrel when it had reached the safety of the Churchyard. After much squawking and feather shuffling it recovered and continued on its way. 4 Bullfinch, 4 Mistle Thrush, 100+ Meadow Pipits, 20+ Chaffinch and 2 Grey Wagtail also noted.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Wheatears on the move.
At least Twenty Wheatears were on the limestone pavements in a small movement this morning. a Tree Pipit flew over 'buzzing' away, while warblers were represented by 2 Whitethroats, 6 Blackcap, 10 Chif chaff and 3 Willow Warblers.
Great Spotted Woodpecker and 4 Bullfinch were also present, with Peregrine and Buzzard showing superbly.
Great Spotted Woodpecker and 4 Bullfinch were also present, with Peregrine and Buzzard showing superbly.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Full day's Seawatch on the Little Orme

6.30am-5.30pm - Force 6 North Westerly gusting force 7 and swinging more North during the day. A bit slow much of the time today but what it lacked in quantity it had in quality and a great showing from the local hoping birders. After several drenchings during the morning the sun came out and it was a great afternoon. Sightings included:
1 Grey Phalarope flying west at 15.25, 1 Black Tern (adult winter through in the morning between rain showers), 1 Black Guillemot, 7 Great Skuas, 6 Arctic Skuas (3 d.p., 4 p.p. birds)
2 Red-throated Divers (early returning sum.plums.), 50+ Manx Shearwater, 3 Great Crested Grebes, 4 Teals, 35 Common Scoters, 1 Arctic Tern, 24 Common Terns, c700 Sandwich Terns, c150 Manx Shearwaters, c1000 Kittiwakes, 1 Redshank, 7 Curlew, 6 Oycs, 2 small wader sp
Hats off to Henry Cook who put in a ten hour plus stint today - a hardcore seawatcher, and to Adrian Foster for the photos (some challenge in a force 7 North westerly!)
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Long tailed Skua star bird as winds pick up.

The winds picked up this afternoon and a few birds began to pass the Little Orme. Star bird was found by Chris Jones when an adult Long tailed Skua passed west at 5pm. It (or another bird) passed again between 5.25 and 5.30pm.
A dark phase Arctic Skua was also noted along with several Kittiwakes, Common Scoter, Gannet and Manx Shearwaters. Sandwich and Common Terns were also seen in smaller numbers. Three Harbour Porpoise plaued benneath the cliffs and were captured on camera by Dave Williams. Pictures can be seen here:-
Lapland Buntings
Autumn is certainly yere! My first ever August Lapland Buntings were on the Orme this morning, with four birds calling and giving reasonable flight views around the cemetery.Othe migrants included 5 Blackcap, Grey Wagtail, Great Spotted Woodpeckler and a scattering of Willow Warblers and Chiff chaffs.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Summer Flowers
Henry Cook has been busy looking at wild flowers during the queit months of June, July and early August and he's build up a healthy list.
Here's a link to the flower page of northwalesbirding where he notes the species. Some nice photos too.
Here's a link to the flower page of northwalesbirding where he notes the species. Some nice photos too.
First fall of the Autumn

This morning had a good feel and we had the first fall of the autumn. A few birds must have been grounded after yesterday's torrential rain and thunder storms.
Passage birds included 3 Spotted Flycatchers, a superb Whinchat above the cemetery, a Yellow Wagtail over, 2 Tree Pipits, a Grasshopper warbler flushed from the limestone pavements, 30+ phyllosc warblers with many bright juvenle Willow Warblers amongst them. 20+ Wheatears were also on the limestone pavements. Usually associated with later autumn passage, a female Reed Bunting was a surprise alng the limestone wall. 2 Grey wagtails were the first of the autumn while Blackcap and Whitethroats were also present. Hirundines were on the move with 50+ Swallows through and a few House Martins.
Passage birds included 3 Spotted Flycatchers, a superb Whinchat above the cemetery, a Yellow Wagtail over, 2 Tree Pipits, a Grasshopper warbler flushed from the limestone pavements, 30+ phyllosc warblers with many bright juvenle Willow Warblers amongst them. 20+ Wheatears were also on the limestone pavements. Usually associated with later autumn passage, a female Reed Bunting was a surprise alng the limestone wall. 2 Grey wagtails were the first of the autumn while Blackcap and Whitethroats were also present. Hirundines were on the move with 50+ Swallows through and a few House Martins.
Large flocks of Goldfinches are building up with an estimated 200+ birds around. Chaffinches, Greenfinches, Linnets and a single Bullfinch were also present. Autumn has started!
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Manxy Madness!

After a few weeks away the Orme beckoned once again this morning. Things are slowly starting to happen with a single Tree pipit overhead and seven autumn plumaged Northern Wheatears dotted around the limetone pavements. Three Chiff-chaffs, two juvenile Whitethroats and 50+ Swallows were all evidence hat birds are on the move.

Off shore an impressive spectacle of 1000+ Manx Shearwaters and 100+ Gannets were in a feeding frenzy and after a short wait a hoped for Balearic Shearwater flew in.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Spot Fly - first proper migrant
Thursday, 5 August 2010
First visit of the autumn
Inspired by the Hippo Warbler on Hilbre yesterday, Tony Kearney and I set off up the headland for our first visit of the autumn this morning. A few Willow Warbler, a Chiff Chaff, Blackcap and 3 Whitethroats were present along with good numbers of Meadow Pipit, Goldfinches and Greenfinch. Offshore 100+ Sandwich Terns, a few Manxy and Gannets as well as teo Porpoise and a couple of Atlantic Grey Seals. The Orme is very underwatched during this months so It would be good to spend some time up there seeing what does pass through at this time of year.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Crossbills on the move!
A movement of Crossbills over Llandudno and the Great Orme today was noteworthy. 55 birds were noted over the lighthouse mid afternoon while perhaps the same flock was seen flying south over Ysgol John Bright. Another ten were over Craig y don a few hours earlier.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Eagle Owl and Tree Pipit

After a quiet week a few bits and pieces on the Ormes today. Highlight was a singing Tree Pipit on the Great Orme, the third year on the trot that this species has bred on the headland.
The Great Horned Eagle Owl is still present on the Little Orme and is slowly working its way through the local Fulmar population! The sooner this bird is caught the better. Henry Cook watched it land on a helpless Fulmar today, kill it and eat it. The Fulmar didn't put up much of a fight and seemed stunned as the Owl approached it and landed on it.
Julian Wheldrake reported Manx Shearwaters off the Little Orme mid week as well as a bizarre incident where a Crow was chased off the cliffs by hundreds ofJackdaws as it caught and carried away a poor Jackdaw chick! Seems like the Little Owrme cliffs are the killing fields at the moment!
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Happy Birthday Great Orme Country Park

This weekend saw the 30th Anniversary of the Great Orme becoming a Country Park. Lots of events took place including Nature walks, Historical walks, a disply tent and discounts at all the attractions. Birds seen during the weekdn included Razorbill, Guillemot, Chough, Peregrine, Wheatear, Stonechat and Skylarks - all of which entertained the public. The children of Llandudno had a mask making competition and above are somne of the wining enteries with Chough, Gannet, Peregrine, and Little Owl all represented. The middle picture is the birdthday cake - what a fantastic work of art and a shame to cut into (however, it tasted very good too!).
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Eagle Owl - Little Orme

Great excitement when a report of a Long eared Owl on the Little Orme came through earlier. However on closer inspection the bird in question was a fine Eagle Owl. Unfortunately it was immediately apparent that it wasn't a European bird but of the subspecies 'Subartica' which is found in Arctic Canada. The bird is much greyer than European birds. However, it was still an impressive sight and looked rather wild as it was mobbed by Jackdaws on the middle quarry cliff face of the Little Orme. Unfortunately it seemed to have already taken a liking to he blocal bird life and was sitting on a freshly dead bird with a white belly - Fulmar and male Peregrine came to mind!!
The bird has been traced to Bodafon farm Park and is a female called Danielle. It escaped when thieves broke in to try and steal a chick a pair had laid. Lets hope it's caught soon or we risk loosing a lot of the Little Ormes birdlife over the next few weeks.
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