After a quiet week a few bits and pieces on the Ormes today. Highlight was a singing Tree Pipit on the Great Orme, the third year on the trot that this species has bred on the headland.
The Great Horned Eagle Owl is still present on the Little Orme and is slowly working its way through the local Fulmar population! The sooner this bird is caught the better. Henry Cook watched it land on a helpless Fulmar today, kill it and eat it. The Fulmar didn't put up much of a fight and seemed stunned as the Owl approached it and landed on it.
Julian Wheldrake reported Manx Shearwaters off the Little Orme mid week as well as a bizarre incident where a Crow was chased off the cliffs by hundreds ofJackdaws as it caught and carried away a poor Jackdaw chick! Seems like the Little Owrme cliffs are the killing fields at the moment!