It's been hard work on the Orme over the past five days with just a trickle of migrants. The cold brisk easterlies and bright sunshine have put pay to any falls of migrants. Bits and Bobs have been seen though with 2 Ring Ouzels present on Friday 29th, 2 Yellow Wagtails today, May 1st, a singing Lesser whitethroat, a Swift (30th) amongst a stead passage of all 3 hirundines, a female Merlin (28th and 30th) up to 4 Crossbills around the cemetery, around 15-20 Wheatears a day, small numbers of Tree Pipits and a trickle of phylloscs. Today (May 1st) saw an interesting arrival mid morning with a male Blackcap, Whitethroat and 3 Willow warbler in the furthest gorse bush at the north end - evidence things are still on the move and it's cetainly not ime to give up yet.
Mammal highlight was a white ferret found in a bramble bush by the churchyard. Cute but not sure what impact it will be having on the local wildlife!
Pics above - the Ferret, a Greenland Wheatear along the wall - typical view of this species, a nice male Crossbill and a morning scene at the Cemetery.
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