A bit of a slow down on the Great orme this weekend, with cold easterlies taking over. I've been away so I've had to rely on other birders sightings for news. (read about my Ceredigion easter weekend here - www.webirdnorthwalesblogspot.com) Highlight were 2 Red kites over the churchyard area on Saturday. A couple of Ring Ouzels remained until Sunday, while Grasshopper warblers were seen Saturday and Monday. A Merlin has been frequenting the headland, wile Yellow Wagilas peaked at four on Friday morning, with singles seen every day from Thurs until Monday. Small numbers of Tree Pipits have been continuing to pass overhead - with totals Thurs to Wed reading 4,3,8,5, 2,0 and 4. One Whinchat on the Gun site on Friday, while Wheatears peaked at 60+ on Friday with smaller numbers on other days. Good numbers of Whitethroats continue to arrive and Siskins and Redpolls move overhead. Offshore good numbers of Common Scoter have been passing east, while Sandwhich Tern numbers peaked at 24 on Wednesday. Early Purple Orchids are now in flower on the limestone pavements adding a splash of colour.
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