There was a Dotterel by the cairn on the limestone pavements this morning. The bird was flighty early a.m., but soon settled on the short grass near the cairn and was extremely confiding and even ran towards me to a distance of 10 yards at one stage. The bird was still present at 9.40am at least. Other highlights included a Mealy Redpoll which alighted briefly on the wall with 7 Lesser Redpoll. Redpoll passage was excellent with 300+ birds flying west and some groups of up to 70! Another highlight was a stonking full summer plumaged 'northern' Golden Plover. Three male Ring Ouzels showed well at the norh end and over 50 Wheatears were present including several Greenland birds. Two flavissima Yellow Wagtails joined the constant westward movement of Meadow pipits, as did three Tree Pipits. The churchyard held 2 Crossbill, 5 Blackcap and over 20 Willow Warbler were on the headland. Sounds a bit more like May doesn't it?!
Grasshopper Warbler seen by Tom Gravett at the gun-site and male Common redstart at the north end by Julian Wheldrake. What a day! Dotterel still present mid afternoon a least.