The flood of migrants continues on the Great Orme with a good number of species seen again early morning. A 1st year female Ring Ouzel along the wall (photo above - surely the most poorly marked bird ever!), a Short eared Owl in off the sea (Alan Davies), Grasshopper Warbler, Whinchat, 2 Yellow Wagtails, 3 Whitethraot, Redpolls and Siskins, 40+ Wheatear, 7 Willow Warblers, Blackcap and highlight of the morning -4 House Sparrows, a limestone pavement mega! An Osprey was over the Little Orme at 10.10am before heading east.
Some birds are settling down to breed, with Stonechat, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Linnet (photo above) and Wheatear all on territory. It's difficult to know how many are migrants and how many are breeders at this time of year as all the above species are also still passing through.
I have just started blogging and have come across your blog which is of great interest to me as we live on the Great Orme!