Top left - male Whinchat, first of the year. Top right - nominate male Wheatear, compare with yesterday's 'Greenland' type bird. Bottom left- a sonogram image of a recording of this morning's Woodlark using remembird device (notice the yodeling series of notes on 5 seconds and 13 senconds). Bottom right - a strange Woodpigeon movement going on - 30 birds flying high west.
What a great morning, one of those you just don't want to end. Star bird was a super Woodlark that flew low along the northern edge and out eas over the churchyard, uttering it's call constantly as it disappeared into the distance. Loads of migrants were on the headland, including a flyover Dotterel (A Davies) and another 3 probables (Pete Alderson), 2 Whinchats, one near the gully and one near the Churchyard (PA), a male Ring ouzel (P and J Kennerley) and a female (AD), 3 Yellow Wagtails, 25+ Tree Pipits, singing male Redstart above ski Slope, Lesser Whitethroat (PA), Sedge Warbler, Grasshopper warbler, one at the Old Cafe and one at the north end gorse (P + JK), 80+ Wheatears (including 50+ that arrived mid morning), 50+ Woodpigeon, 50+ Lesser Redpoll, Reed Bunting and 20+ Willow Wabler dotted around. The first Whimbrel for the Orme this year also whistled away as it flew north. I wish every day was like this!
* Evening update - A female Osprey flew over Llandudno late afternoon and headed off north over the Great Orme (AD) while two Ring Ouzels wee still present above the gun-site.
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