It was quality rather than quantity today on the Great orme. Early morning revealed that the vast majority of Wheatears had moved on this morning with only 20 or so individuals remaining. However, patience was rewarded and over the next three hours good birds kept popping up. At least two female Ring Ouzels were present, one early morning in the gorse at the north end, and later two females together feeding in the grass near the rest and be thankful cafe before flying onto the cliffs above the lighthouse. Two cracking Crossbills fed in the churchyard before fling off west, as did the three Bramblings in the Hawthorns here. Two of the Bramblings were superb summer males. Best of the rest included a Stock Dove, Golden Plover, 4 White Wagtails, just two Chiff-chaff, small numbers of all three hirundine species, Coal Tit, Redpolls and Siskins. A large movement of Meadow Pipits must have exceeded 500 birds as they seemed to be on the move all morning.
Got to film some of those on the orme next week.